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Thursday, August 4, 2022

“The Last Invitation”

When Christ return's, will you be ready to face His Judgment?

1 Th. 5:1-4
"The Lord will come as a thief in the night, Unexpected and Unannounced"!

Introduction: Christ's future return to the earth at the end of the present age. Although the Bible explicitly speaks of Christ's appearance as a "Second Time," the phrase "Second Coming" occurs nowhere in the New Testament. Nevertheless; many passages speak of His return. Moreover; in the New Testament alone it is referred to over 300 times.

Invitation: In case there’s someone present who’s not right with God, want to give them a chance to render obedience; the Lord just might come before the sermon is over!

Just a remainder: Just pretend the Lord’s comes right now what will happen in the next few minutes – what will you experience.

The time of the Second Coming of Christ is unknown. In fact, Jesus stated that only the Father knew the time. Therefore; the return of the Lord should be a matter of constant expectancy. As He came the first time, in the "fullness of time" (Gal. 4:4), so will the Second Coming be.

Total order of these points are not exact, some may be immediate.

If the Lords return today, what will take place?
• 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Th. 4:15-16 —…with a trumpet and the shout of the archangel, Lord descends from heaven, changed.
• Acts 1:11 — The Lord will descend just as He ascended.
• Heb. 9:28 — Jesus will appear a second time for salvation, without reference to sin, when No One” Knows!
1). Imagine what it will be like on that day.
2). Sound of the trumpet and the archangel.
3). Sounds of the people who are happy, and people who are sad.

Careful examination of the New Testament, however, makes it clear that the Second Coming will be a Climactic and Historical event. The Lord will return in the same manner in which He left. His coming will be personal, bodily, and visible.

Imagine what you’ll feel:
• The adrenalin rush.
• Your mind racing wondering at what exact moment you’ll see Jesus.
• Wondering what He’ll look like with all the glory of His angels.

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus told His apostles that He would return (John 14:3). When Jesus ascended into heaven, two angels appeared to His followers saying that He would return in the same manner as they had seen Him go (Acts 1:11). The New Testament is filled with expectancy of His coming, even as Christians should be today.

The believer’s task (one that’s a child of God) is NOT to try in determining when Christ will return! We should share the Gospel Message diligently to the lost and unbelievers until He [Christ Jesus] returns (Acts 1:8-11).

One of two things will happen to people living on earth today:
• 1 Th. 4:16-17 — righteous rise, meet Lord in the air, united with all the righteous.
• 2 Th. 1:10 — glorify Jesus, marvel at Him because believed.
• 1 Cor. 15 (Cf. 2 Cor. 5) — last enemy destroyed (death), receive an immortal body; flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom.
• 2 Th. 1:7-9 — Unrighteous are punished, flaming fire, not know God or obey The Gospel, “Eternal Destruction”.
• Heb. 10:31 — It’s a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!
• Heb. 12:29 — God is a consuming fire.

Pretend today is the day of Jesus’ return.
  • Which group will you be in and what will you be doing?
  • How  will you feel?                 
  • Will you rejoice for the choices you’ve made?
  • Will you be sad?

World destroyed today:
• Pet. 3:10, 12 — world will be destroyed, dissolved with intense heat, burnt up for unbelievers the thing they loved more than God will be destroyed, annihilated, put out of existence.
• Jude 1:7 (cf. 2 Pet. 2:6) — Just as Sodom and Gomorrah serve as examples of God’s punishment, so the destruction of the whole earth will serve as example of punishment of eternal fire, which the ungodly will experience forever.

1). Will we see the destruction of the earth? The universe?
2). Will we care?
3). Imagine the sights and sounds of the earth exploding, imploding and melting away.

Satan thrown into the lake of fire today:
• Rev. 20:10 — Satan thrown into “Lake of Fire”.
• 1 Cor. 15 — when Jesus comes, last enemy destroyed, death – Satan has power over death, Victory in heaven, final victory for our Lord – rejoicing of saints and angels.

Imagine if the Judgment came today?
• Rev. 20:11-13 — judgment, standing before throne, judged according to deeds recorded in books, book of life there with record of saints’ names.
•2 Cor. 5:10 — appear before judgment seat of Christ, recompensed for deeds whether good and bad.

Imagine the moment you stand before Christ in judgment thoughts, feelings:
• 1 Pet. 4:17 Christians judged first.
• Rev. 7:14 standing before Christ in white robes, washed in blood of the Lamb.
• Rev. 20:12 names written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Imagine standing before Christ, debt of sin paid by the one judging you, Redeemed by His blood.
• 1 Cor. 6:2-3 —After judged, faithful Christians judge the world and angels.
• Phil. 2:10-11 — At the name of Jesus, “Every” knee will bow and tongue confess that He’s Lord to the glory of the Father.

Imagine judging these with Christ and all the saints – all the enemies of Christ and His church finally submitting to Christ.

Everyone will go to one of two places for eternity:
• Rev. 20:14-15 —punishment, thrown into the “Lake of Fire” and Satan is already there (vs. 10).
• Matt. 7:13-14 —the place most people will go.
• Rev. 21:1-7; 22:1-5 —reward, eternal life in heaven.

Just imagine if this “Was” the Last Invitation:
1). If the Lord came back this very minute, your last chance to obey has past, what would you experience?
2). Welcomed by the Lord into heaven for ALL Eternity? "OR"…
3). Cast into hell to live with Satan for ALL of Eternity?

So what can I  do to avoid such torment”?
By giving your life to Christ by being baptized [Immersion] and live a Faithful life for Christ Jesus. After you have done so, He [Christ Jesus will add you to HIS Church and only Christ can add you.

1 Th. 5:1-4 — The Lord will come as a thief in the night…..

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